Wild Ecology
GIS and Data Management

GIS and Data Management Services

Wild Ecology provides numerous data management and GIS services, across the environmental sector. 


Our GIS services team have a wide range of skills in the capturing, converting and sourcing of many types of data for use in the GIS mapping environment. We also have excellent skills in the design and creation of relational GIS mapping databases. 


Our experts in data mapping services can advise on, design and implement relational GIS mapping databases, as well as create the necessary supporting metadata to conform to various standards. Our wealth of experience in handling and processing UK GIS mapping data gives us the ability to provide independent recommendations and undertake the sourcing of the most suitable data for your specific GIS mapping data needs and project requirements. We can also advise on data formatting and the interoperability of GIS datasets from different sources.  


Our data capture and conversion services include: 


  • Collection of data and input into the GIS format. Including the collection of field data and aerial observation derived datasets.
  • Conversion of non-digital data to digital GIS formats – includes scanning, feature recognition raster-to-vector conversion.
  • GIS digitisation – both heads up (from scanned images, pdf files, documents, aerial photographs, satellite imagery) and heads down (from paper, linen, acetate, microfiche, microfilm)