Wild Ecology

Wild Ecology

Bespoke Ecological Services

Wild Ecology


Wild Ecology is an independent ecological consultancy providing services to the private, public and commercial sectors. We are a diverse team of experts with a strong network of contractors, resulting in the Wild Ecology team being capable of delivering wide-ranging and bespoke services. 

 Wild Ecology is not geographically constrained, and has the capability to deliver projects throughout the UK and across the spectrum of project size; from bespoke data analysis to habitat mapping and monitoring of protected sites. 

We pride ourselves on providing clients with high-quality, pragmatic solutions whether by conventional or innovative means. 

Our Services

Whether it is Phase 1, UKHabs, NVC or a more bespoke classification system, we endeavour to undertake detailed and reliable habitat mapping from the smallest to largest sites.

Understanding the condition of the natural environment is the first step to improving it. We have vast experience in bespoke condition monitoring, including protected sites and private land. 

Perhaps the most frequent work for ecologists are protected species surveys. Our diverse team of consultants can undertake a wide range of species-specific surveys. 

Wild Ecology promotes evidence-led decision making. Our team of consultants have diverse data analysis skills and expertise, ranging from statistical analysis to GIS mapping and presentation. With data presented well, decision making is always easier.